Leadership is a skill.
You can learn it.
Besides having created the best management app, Volo is committed to empowering leaders and leaders-to-be with the best trainings and resources to run high-performing teams and organizations.
Get access to tested and proven knowledge that will help you lead and develop a winning team.
Curso de OKRs
✔ En castellano.
✔ Dictado por Sebastián Machado Malbrán.
✔ Más de 7 horas de contenido probado sobre la metodología de OKRs.
✔ En castellano.
✔ Autor: Sebastián Machado Malbrán.
✔ 4.9 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ en Amazon.com.
Coming soon!
Don't miss our webinars!
Lo que tenés que saber antes de implementar OKRs
OKRs En Equipos de Tecnología
🗓️ Martes 30/Jan
🗓️ Martes 5/Sep
🗓️ Martes 28/Aug